An initiative of the VDMA, VDMA Services GmbH, Messe München GmbH and the leading associations of the German construction industry:

Logo - bauma Logo - VDMA e.V. Logo - Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V. Logo - Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe Logo - Bundesverband Baustoffe

Entry form

If you like to enter for the bauma Innovation Award 2025, please complete the online form in full.
The terms and conditions of participation apply.

Closing date: 23 August 2024.
Entries received after this date will not be considered.



1. Brief title:

The innovation was developed in cooperation with the following company/institute:

We would like to compete in the following category* with the above named innovation/the above named innovative projects:

Brief description:

2. Brief description of the innovation/project:

3. Pictures of the innovation:

* mandatory

* optional

* optional

Info zu 2.:
Short and concise description of the innovation.
What is new? Where is the benefit?
(max. 500 characters incl. space characters)
Please make sure that the brief description is easy to understand, even for non-experts.

Info zu 3.
Please supply at least one, but no more than three, printable pictures in JPEG format.
specifications: size 13 x 10, min. 300 dpi, max. 1.2 MB per image,
file name: Company name_category_brief title.jpg
Please note our copyright regulations written in the conditions of participation.

More detailed description:

4. More detailed description of the innovation/project:

Info zu 4.
Please describe the forward-looking aspects and the practical use or the outstanding characteristics of the innovative project.
Which additional benefit does this innovation offer to customers and users? Who benefits? What are the advantages in practical application? How does the innovation contribute to cost efficiency, performance improvement, energy and resource efficiency, environmental protection, humanisation of the workplace?
(max. 3,500 characters incl. space characters)
Please make sure that the description is easy to understand, even for non-experts.

Additional Information:

5. Is the machinery/system/component already in operation?
Is the construction process already in use?
Has the building been completed?

6. Where will the innovation be on display at bauma 2025?

7. We are a member of the following associations:

Info zu 5.
Innovations in categories 1, 2, 3 and 5 must be exhibited at bauma 2025.


An initiative of the VDMA, VDMA Services GmbH, Messe München GmbH and the leading associations of the German construction industry:

Logo - bauma Logo - VDMA e.V. Logo - Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V. Logo - Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe Logo - Bundesverband Baustoffe